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The mission of Scholarly Heritage is to advance the Sunni way of Islam worldwide, by conveying the scholarly legacy of His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi.

Your donation will be Sadaqah Jariyah – rewards will be ongoing for as long as people benefit from these works.

Learn more about the Benefits of giving!

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Payment method

We strongly enccourage you to set up a standing order via you own bank. This will make sure you don’t forget to donate, and it will give Scholarly Heritage a more stable financial basis for our projects.

Donating in the app. The donation app on this page makes it easy and convenient for you to donate – so don’t hesitate to use it! However it comes with a cost. Direct debit. For larger amounts and standing orders, we recommend that you donate directly from your bank account. Below you find the account details for different currencies.

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Account No.: 89037040
IBAN: GB04 MONZ 0400 0389 0370 40

For direct payments in USD, you may donate via our US partner:

Sacred Knowledge USA
Email address: us.sacred@gmail.com

For direct donations in Euros, you may donate via our European partner:

Transferwise Europe SA
IBAN: BE17 9671 6502 1921
Name: L’Héritage du Prophète
Address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52
Brussels, 1050, Belgium

! Please remember to write “Scholarly Heritage” and the purpose of your donation in the memo/message field when you make a direct donation.


You may designate your donation to one of the following items:


The last few years have seen the emergence of unique and invaluable works by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, such as the video lecture seres on Imam Bukhari, the 40 Hadiths of Imam Nawawi and Creed of Imam Tahawi, as well as the matchless book Dalail al-Khayrat – all projects that our donors have contributed to.

Read more about our projects at scholarlyheritage.org/projects

To support future projects, please set up a standing order here or directly via your bank – or send us a one-time donation.

The work of
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

Behind each project of Scholarly Heritage are years of research of an erudite scholar with unique knowledge and spiritual insight: Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi. Contribute to his work either by setting up a standing order or by making a one-time donation.

Your donation will be Sadaqah Jariyah – rewards will be ongoing for as long as people benefit from these works.


Around the world there are many worthy scholars and students with great potential, who are unable to sustain their own living expenses. Many of them are eligible recipients of zakat. Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi discretely supports them through his own means. Via SH, you can also sponsor them.


What is better than to leave your zakat in the hands of a scholar with unquestionable integrity, who knows the best way to deploy it? Pay your zakat to Scholarly Heritage, and it will be channeled to where it is needed.


Sadaqah Jariyah | Hadith recited by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

Spend for the Sunnah


You can donate towards one of the items described below, or select “Where most needed”.

Any amount is welcome, the ones indicated being suggested for your convenience.