Benefits of Giving
Sadaqah Jariyah | Hadith recited by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

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Sadaqah Jariyah | Hadith recited by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi

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{ A likeness of those who spend their wealth for the sake of Allah… }
Contribute to advance the Sunni way of Islam – may Allah accept your …
Contribute to advance the Sunni way of Islam – may Allah accept your donation and multiply the rewards!

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How to connect to the Prophet ﷺ
We can get closer to the Prophet ﷺ through love for his family, by …
We can get closer to the Prophet ﷺ through love for his family, by serving someone from his ﷺ descendants, and the rewards for this is manifold greater than for …other worships.[+] Show More