Newsletter No.4 - Safar 1442 - Special Issue

Assalamu aleikum, dear all,
We are bringing you the best news:  With the tawfiq of Allah,

Scholarly Heritage presents 

Shama’il al-Habib al-Mustafa

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ – His Beauty and Perfection
By Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
"The one thing that we, Muslims, need most is good character, is there a better source of good character than the Prophet PBUH whom Allah ordered us to emulate!"
Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi


Spread the good news around!
A series of videos with the hadith recital with English subtitles will appear in Rabi’al Awwal – inshaAllah – on the ShaykhalYaqoubi Youtube channel
Watch the trailer here!
Stay tuned in on our Shamail webpage where all updates will appear


A book sale & auction for the last remaining copies of the book. Pay as much as you wish – the surplus will be used for new book translations and other projects to come – inshaAllah!
More info soon inshaAllah!


Help us to extend our circles!
  1. Forward this email to  – say – 10 people you know! Select people you have not been in touch with lately and bring them the good news!
  2. Join the Ambassadors of Shamail. We will send info and easy instructions on how to bring out the glad tidings!
And please continue to support us with your donations to enable us to bring out more work. Have you tried our new versatile donation module? Or pay directly into our bank account.