Day-to-day reports from a student following thet tour

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Bradford Literature Festival, 1st July 2023

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The Bradford Literature Festival witnessed a sell-out event at St George’s Hall on Saturday, as the esteemed scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi made his much-anticipated appearance.

Around 1000 people gathered for the book launch of his new English translation of the widely acclaimed masterpiece, “Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt: Guides to Goodness.”

Attendees from both the UK and abroad flocked to the event to experience the mesmerizing acapella recitations of the enchanting litanies by the The Travellers – Al Musafirun.

The original classical Arabic text, composed by 15th-century Moroccan Sufi scholar Muhammad Sulayman Al-Jazūlī, holds the distinction of being the first major work to compile litanies of blessings for the Prophet Muhammad.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi, a spiritual guide and erudite scholar, translated the text into English to convey its intended meanings to readers who may not be familiar with its high level of Arabic.

During the event, Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi emphasized that the work is immersed in love and transmits love through its continuous prayers for blessings for the Prophet. He explained that reciting these prayers attaches the reader to the Prophet and his Sunnah.

“Imām Al-Jazūlī chose the way of love – the shortest way to God,” he stated. “People who rely solely on good actions walk towards God, while those who go with love fly towards Him.”

With approximately 600 forms of blessings included, reciting this text is believed to have the power to transform the reader’s character and condition.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi aims to revive the significance of this text as a spiritual remedy for metaphysical diseases and the daily challenges of modern life.

This book can be purchased from Signatora.com

Day 1: Rochdale 2nd July 2023

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OVER 1700 lovers of the Prophet ﷺ were treated to a recital of the first chapter of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s masterpiece by His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi, in the heart of Rochdale.

The local community gathered, along with attendees from across the globe, at the start of the official 23-city tour of Under the Shade of the Prophet ﷺ.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi took attendees on a spiritual journey by introducing the author and the tradition of the Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt, mentioning the beautiful secrets, and adab of kissing the pictures of Madinah Masjid and Ka’aba Shareef in the book. This is a form of expression of love and respect, the way of the traditional sunni scholars and lovers of the Prophet ﷺ.

The noble Shaykh gave everyone listening ijaza/permission to recite the blessed Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt, the most recited book in the Muslim world after the Qur’an.

“We want this treasure, this Barakah, in every home,” said the Shaykh.

The very young, the elderly, men and women; were encouraged to join the gatherings.

The Shaykh explained how those who read just one chapter per day of the beautiful book, lead happy, trouble-free lives, with obedient children and much ease.

He also detailed the great scholarly heritage of Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt, with scholars of hadith actually being the first to embrace the book, proving the overwhelming ijma/consensus of the Muslim ummah on it.

Day 2: Oldham 3rd July 2023

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‘ATTACH to the Prophet ﷺ through frequent recitation of the miraculous Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt,’ Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi exhorted more than 1000 people who attended last night’s gathering in Ashton.

The abundant blessings for the Prophet ﷺ that flow throughout Imām Al-Jazūlī’s work recited during the tour connect us to him ﷺ in a profoundly simple way, added the Shaykh.

God assigns angels to convey our salams by name to the Prophet ﷺ every time we utter the praises – every day around the clock – except on Fridays, when he ﷺ hears and responds.

The Shaykh further unveiled priceless jewels of knowledge within the 15th century masterpiece, including how Imām Al-Jazūlī subtly invites us in to observe nature, from wild animals, sea creatures, the sun and the moon, to the universe within each of us, to force us to reflect on our Creator and detach us from our own selves.

Imām Al-Jazūlī also insisted on mentioning female believers throughout his litanies, to imprint in the minds of all believers the true role of women in society. In his time there was an abundance of female scholars and saints.

“We want gatherings of Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt in every home,”

said the Shaykh, and in doing so revive our attachment to the Prophet ﷺ.

Day 3: Preston 4th July 2023

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THE hall reverberated with the luminous names of the Prophet ﷺ, with around 1,000 reciting along with Shaykh Muhammed Al-Yaqoubi.

Preston was the latest town blessed with the presence of the Shaykh, for the 23-city tour dedicated to Imām Al-Jazūlī’s masterpiece, Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt.

The 201 names of the Prophet ﷺ, specifically chosen by Imām Al-Jazūlī and placed at the start of his great work, were sensationally recited by the world famous Al Musafirun – The Travellers.

The noble Shaykh roused the crowd as they joined in, at one point inviting them to compete with each other in beautiful tones, adding to the electric atmosphere.

“This is how Muslims honour the names of the Prophet ﷺ,” explained the Shaykh.

More gems were shared with eager attendees, how Shadhili master Imām Al-Jazūlī’ includes Aqidah, Fiqh, Seerah, the Prophet’s miracles ﷺ and Tasawwuf so simply in the form of blessings in the text.
Any believer could learn it all by heart from reciting daily – this is one of its great secrets.

“It is not randomly written,” explained the noble Shaykh.

“We need to see the eagerness of the author, how he wants to plant this love in the hearts of the reader.”

Imām Al-Jazūlī would recite it three times a day during his fourteen year seclusion; he recited it daily for three years in the Rawdah, resulting in many openings.

Referring to a previously unpublished Arabic commentary Miftah/Keys to Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt, the Shaykh listed its thirty chapters, consisting of over 700 pages, including its benefits, how to recite, how it spread across the Muslim world, how the Ottomans honoured the book and would pay reciters to read it in the Rawdah (Sacred Chamber) of the Prophet ﷺ.

His extensive research proves the Muslim Ummah has always supported Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt.

Day 4: Bolton 5th July 2023

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WEDNESDAY saw yet another capacity crowd, this time in Bolton, for the fourth day of the Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt tour.

The audience were treated to the first full recital of the Dalāʾil, as Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi seeks to revive connectedness to Imām Al-Jazūlī’s sublime composition of praise for the Prophet ﷺ; with two more complete recitals to occur in Smethwick and Reading, as the Shaykh travels across the UK during July.

After mentioning that the Jazūlī order forms a prominent branch of the Shadhili tariqa, Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi reminded us it’s no coincidence that the two most famous works in this genre – the other being the Burda of Imam Busiri – were penned by Shadhili authors.

Such is the acceptedness of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s text, one need not even explicitly ask for the fulfilment of their need, explained Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi; they can merely intentionalise it whilst reciting the Dalāʾil, and it’ll be fulfilled, bi idhnillah ta’ala [by Allah’s Will]. Because, “Allah’s Knowledge of you suffices you from asking,” as the prayers [salawat] themselves mean that the Prophet ﷺ, takes care of you.

Reading the Dalāʾil, helps control your ego, caprices, bad habits, and addictions; its transformative power shouldn’t be underestimated.

Taking time to detail the extensive research he’s undertaken in relation to the many asanaid [chains of transmission] for the Dalāʾil, the Shaykh explained how he deliberately focused on chains related through the fuqaha [jurists] and muhadditheen [experts in Hadith], to demonstrate the unanimous acceptance of Imam Al-Jazūlī’s tremendous text.

Having provided an overview of the sequencing in the book, Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi consumately recited the Dalāʾil (almost as if in a single breath!), pausing midway to outline the protocol of listening rather than joining in during its recitation, before finishing by issuing an ijaza [licence to transmit] to all the listeners, in person and online, in what was truly a rare opportunity to have heard this most well-known of devotional panegyrics in the Islamic tradition.

Day 5: Sheffield 6th July 2023

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THE Masjid was filled to capacity with over 1000 lovers of the Prophet as Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi began day five of the tour. Attendees gathered eagerly to listen to the Shaykh’s enlightening discourse, along with 600 people who watched online from countries including USA, Türkiye and Mauritius.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi shared the historical background of the daily recitation of Dalā’il al-Khayrāt, which was initially prescribed to be recited three times a day. However, it was later simplified to be recited over eight days to make it more accessible for people. He emphasized the importance of maintaining this recitation practice, as many who have done so have experienced their lives full of blessings, love, respect and were worry free.

Dalā’il al-Khayrāt is a remarkable book that contains numerous treasures. It encompasses supplications, purification of the soul, and teachings. It serves as a guide for various aspects of life. The Shaykh also continued to shed further gems about the life of the author, Imām Al-Jazūlī, who belonged to the Jazūla tribe in Morocco.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi highlighted the significance of having the name Muhammad in one’s household, but he also emphasized the importance of treating the name with respect.

The combination of names therefore is important, but the meaning behind the combination is equally significant. The name Muhammad carries blessings when recited, and even being called by that name brings blessings to one’s house.

He explained how reciting this text brings many fruits and works to improve one’s character, helping to overcome negative traits such as envy to name just one. The prayers on the Prophet hold benefits for the reciter even before reaching the Prophet.

The gathering where Section 3 of the book was recited by the Shaykh was described as illuminating and breathtaking by many attendees.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi urged the audience to approach life as if they will pass away in the evening. To work for the hereafter and keep one’s heart attached to Allah even while the body works in the dunya. This would ensure one’s body and limbs would be engaged in nothing but good as long as the heart is attached to Allah. He emphasized the need for people to dedicate their hearts to Allah while engaging in worldly matters with their bodies and limbs. The connection between the heart and Allah will then shape one’s actions.

The event concluded with a heartfelt Dua and the Shaykh granting ijazah to all those present, whether physically or virtually, spreading the blessings of the gathering to individuals in the UK and over worldwide.

Day 6: Leeds 7th July 2023

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THE sixth day of the Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt tour saw Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi head to Leeds, and a packed venue of over 1000 attendees was privileged to witness the artistry of true scholarship.

A key theme the Shaykh has been keen to stress, due to the defocus on it over the past century, is the centrality of the Prophet ﷺ in our lives, as well as when presenting the message of Islam. He emphasised the truism that,

“If you want to know Allah, you have to know the Prophet ﷺ.”

Indeed it is the second part of the Shahadah [testification of belief], where one affirms Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah ﷺ is the final Messenger, that enfolds one into becoming Muslim.

One important aspect of the Shaykh’s research into Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt has been to authenticate some of the hadith presented by Imam Al-Jazūlī, by tracing their sources and citing what the hadith masters have said about them, since the Imam deliberately chose to omit the isnads [chains of transmission] for brevity.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi chose this event to spend some time addressing this for the benefit of the audience, covering the three opening ahadith from page fourteen of the English translation onwards.

During this segment, the Shaykh spoke about how Imam Al-Jazūlī sought to simplify knowledge contained in the Dalāʾil, which is another reason the book became so popular, being memorised worldwide through the centuries since its publication.

Aqida [Belief] was a concern for the Imam, which is why aspects of theology are reinforced throughout the text, to anchor what we as Muslim’s hold to as core tenets of our belief.

The evening saw the Shaykh, with the crowd in tow, recite Al-Hizb al-Rābia from the Dalāʾil, following which the customary ijaza [licence to read the book] that’s being issued at each event, was granted to those present.

Day 7: Manchester 8th July 2023

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MERCY rained down on those blessed to recite salutations for the Prophet ﷺ, alongside acclaimed singers Al Musafirun – The Travellers.

On Saturday, Manchester hosted an enviable gathering with Shaykh Muhammed Al-Yaqoubi, as part of the month-long UK tour to launch his much anticipated new edition of Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt.

More than 2,000 attended in person, as well as online from the likes of America, South Africa, Indonesia and Morocco; out of their love for the Prophet ﷺ.

They gathered not only to recite part five of the Dalāʾil in the wonderful traditional Moroccan style rendered by Al-Musafirun, but in earnest to hear Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi exposit yet more secret treasures from Imām Al-Jazūlī’s peerless work.

The Shaykh explained that such readings, which used to have the patronage of all Muslim rulers, were an established tradition across the Muslim world.

“There was so much mercy for Muslims,” he said. “We were given God’s Mercy because of these people reciting.

“We need to appreciate these treasures handed down by our ancestors.”

He called for a much-needed revival of this important text, to reconnect us to the Prophet ﷺ.

Across the Muslim world, rulers would appoint a reciter dedicated just to Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt.

The Shaykh recalled childhood years in Damascus, seeing elderly reciters of Dalāʾil, in paid positions appointed by the Ottomans.

People would order copies of Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt and have them decorated and gilded – beautifully replicated in this new box set edition – and leave them in mosques for people to recite.

Wills would bequeath payments for people to recite the spiritual masterpiece, thus benefiting those departed souls.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi highlighted some of the forms of salawat [prayers] included by Imām Al-Jazūlī, originating from the Salaf – the blessed first three generations of Muslims – from Companions of the Prophet ﷺ, great scholars of Islam such as Imam Al-Shāfi‘ī; to the shelves of the great Al-Qarawiyyin mosque library.

The spiritual master also wrote his own forms of prayers for the Prophet ﷺ.

Imam Ali, considered the most eloquent amongst the Companions, was cited in relation to the salutation featured on pages 44 – 46 of the new edition, described as one of the most challenging to translate, because of the many metaphors it contains.

Also, Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Abbas (p49) and Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, were referenced for other forms, that were recited along with English translation during the gathering.

The Shaykh highlighted ways of ensuring du’as are answered, by reciting salawat before and after the du’a, by including the Muslim Ummah in one’s entreaties, and also by visiting the shrines of saints – supplications made here are answered due to the presence of angels who take them.

As we are full of sins, our income possibly tainted with interest or our tongues may lack restraint, we implore Allah Almighty by means of those who are close to Him.

Day 8: Derby 9th July 2023

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A captive audience of over 1500, was blessed to listen to His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi continue his unveilings of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s much-loved text Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt.

The book, which is a compilation of supplications and blessings for the Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ, occupies a special place in the hearts of Muslims around the world.

With its profound impact and timeless significance, the Dalāʾil serves as a powerful means of expressing devotion, seeking intercession, and drawing closer to the noble character and teachings of the Prophet ‎ﷺ.

This new translation by Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi, entitled Guides to Goodness, invites readers to embark on a journey of exploration, delving into the depths of this spiritual masterwork, to experience the transformative power it holds for seekers.

The noble Shaykh discussed the importance of maintaining a habit of salawat [sending prayers for the Prophet ‎ﷺ] in our daily lives.

The worst type of miserliness is not sending prayers on the Prophet ‎ﷺ, given that he ﷺ is responsible for guiding us all to Allah Almighty.

The Shaykh reminded us of the famous saying of Imām Abu’l Abbas al-Mursi, who stated,

“Were the Prophet ‎ﷺ to be veiled from me for but the blink of an eye, I would not count myself among the Muslims.”

There were countless firsthand miracles narrated by the Shaykh regarding the impact of dhikr on peoples’ lives, including an individual who had been freed from prison, businessmen who’d found ease when in financial difficulty, and a story of a young man who was trying to get married at the age of 44. Not only did he manage to find a spouse within two weeks of starting the recommended dhikr, he also went on Hajj within two weeks!!

The Shaykh encouraged attendees to change their mindset during their daily lives, noticing the moments where Allah is protecting you, and encouraged us to express shukr [gratitude] during these moments.

May Allah Almighty allow us all to act on the honourable Shaykh’s words and may Allah protect him and grant him good health, ameen.

What have been some of your personal experiences related to the recitation of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt? Please share them with us!

Day 9: Leicester 13th July 2023

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MORE than 1,000 attendees were taken on a breathtaking virtual tour of the blessed walls of Masjid Al-Nabawi, adorned with the beautiful names of the Prophet ﷺ.

His eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi captivated the audience in Leicester as he gave a detailed insight into the names which appear on the front wall of the Rawdah Shareef, while everyone watched the footage via https://dalail-al-khayrat.co.uk/blessed-names.

The Shaykh led the recitation of the names, specially selected by Imām Al-Jazūlī at the start of his luminous work Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt.

It was the mighty Ottomans who commissioned these particular names to be displayed here, and most remain to this day.

An additional 2500 participants from around the world joined online, eager to listen to the Shaykh’s enlightening discourse on the Prophet ﷺ and the significance of following his ennobled example, the source of all goodness in our lives.

The Shaykh began by highlighting the profound bond between the Prophet ﷺ and the believers, emphasising how he’s like a compassionate father who guides and nurtures his followers, giving birth to them in the realm of guidance.

One never fails to notice the immense joy Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi manifests whenever talking about the Prophet ﷺ. And the audience loved when he acknowledged the love shining on their faces that reflected their love for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.

He urged everyone not to belittle any believer, as those with love for the Prophet ﷺ in their hearts will ultimately unite with him in Jannah [Paradise].

Underlining the importance of reciting the Quran in our homes, the Shaykh emphasised that neglecting this practice would render our abodes lifeless. Following the Prophet ﷺ in every aspect of our lives guarantees an abundant source of goodness. He stressed that the Prophet’s ﷺ concern for his followers surpasses any other, making him dearer to us than anyone else.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi cautioned against being attached to anything other than Allah Almighty and His Prophet ﷺ, reminding everyone that such attachments can lead to destruction. Noble and high intentions were highlighted as pivotal, with the Shaykh assuring us that sincere good intentions are rewarded as if they have already been acted upon!

He advised against compromising the love of Allah and His Messenger ﷺ for worldly pursuits, urging attendees not to be superficial and overly focused on business or personal relationships.

“Do you think if you do business with Allah, He will let you down? Put your mind in the right direction,” the Shaykh advised.

The Shaykh stressed the significance of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s renowned text, Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt, as a compilation of supplications and blessings for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, encouraging everyone to make it a part of their daily lives. Reciting this sacred text is believed to address various issues, including marital challenges, business obstacles, mental health concerns, and financial burdens.

Moreover, the Shaykh emphasized that reading the book removes negative traits such as lying, whilst also cultivating merciful qualities in individuals.

Delving into the topic of advanced Islamic education, the Shaykh provided remarkable insights into the rigorous testing process at Al-Qarawiyyin. Students had to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Islamic sciences before advancing to the next level, ensuring the preservation of authentic knowledge was transmitted through the ages.

The gathering concluded with a recitation and commentary by the Shaykh on the blessed 201 names of the Prophet ﷺ, followed by a du’a.
May Allah Almighty grant us the wisdom to act upon the honorable Shaykh’s words. We pray for the protection and good health of Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi. Ameen.

Day 10: Birmingham 15th July 2023

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Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif in Birmingham was host to the tenth event of the Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt tour, and was packed to the brim with around 3,400 attendees in-person and 4,500 online.

His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi began with a reminder that no one has shown us more favour than Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah ﷺ, and how much joy it brings us when we come together to remember him ﷺ.

He stressed the need for the state that we experience during such events should stay with us after the event has ended too.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi pondered that some might ask why are we so attached to the Prophet ﷺ, and the response would be that Allah Most High made only one channel to Him, and that is the Prophet ﷺ.

After recapping the status of the Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt across the Ummah, namely that it has been received with consensus across all four madhhabs [schools of jurisprudence] throughout the preceding centuries, with an unbroken chain of transmission; the Shaykh gave a brief insight into why its author Imam Al-Jazūlī, wrote it the way he did, and quoted Imam Ahmad al-Zarruq, who reportedly said, “We know in our time someone who manages his affairs through Salat al-Nabi,” in reference to Imam Al-Jazūlī.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi asked the audience rhetorically,

“If Salat al-Nabi accomplishes that, then what of following him ﷺ?”

After spending some time explaining what led to Imam Al-Jazūlī authoring the Dalāʾil, Shaykh al-Yaqoubi explained how many scholars took direct permission from the Prophet ﷺ, via dreams in which they saw him ﷺ and obtained his permission to recite it,

The Shaykh spoke about how aspects of theology can be taught through the Dalāʾil, and gave the example of the twenty-five names of Prophets mentioned in the Quran, which some Students of Knowledge might feasibly struggle to recall, but which can easily be referenced in the Dalāʾil, since Imam Al-Jazūlī conveniently listed them.

Such is the tremendous rank of Dalāʾil Al-Khayrāt, it enables one to truly understand the maqam [station] of Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah ﷺ, said Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi.

At one point in Imam Al-Jazūlī’s life, it seems he went in search of a spiritual guide, heading initially to Tangiers, whereupon he encountered a woman of Allah, who told him he was needed there, in Morocco, and to stay there.

The Imam then travelled to Fez, where the famous miracle that led to his penning the book, took place. This too involved a woman of Allah. The Imam had needed to make wudu [ritual ablution], but couldn’t find a bucket to draw water from a well. A woman saw this from her window and came down, having recognised him. She spat in the well after sending a prayer for the Prophet ﷺ, and water rose. Imam Al-Jazūlī was astonished and asked her how this miracle occurred, requesting the salat from her, whereupon she advised him to compile a book of salawat [prayers for the Prophet ﷺ] and bring it to her.

This then, was the inspiration for him to pen the Dalāʾil.

Importantly, both these incidents signal that women of Allah were present in that milieu.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi spent some time detailing how this was actually the reality since the time of Sayyiduna Rasul’Allah ﷺ, and he cited names of various famous women in Islamic history throughout the ages, going all the way back to the ennobled women of the Prophetic household.

All this to counter the common myth that Muslims degrade and disrespect women and limit their authority. On the contrary, Islam exalts women, and this has been the case since Islam was revealed.

The Shaykh mentioned how Imam Al-Jazūlī valued the place of women in society, and penned the Dalāʾil in a way that’s intended for both men and women.

After reciting the seventh hizb of the Dalāʾil, the Shaykh issued the customary ijaza to all attendees, as has been his practice throughout the tour so far, to connect the audience with the Imam and the text, and ultimately, to our Beloved Prophet ﷺ.

Day 11: Smethwick 17th July 2023

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AN EXQUISITE prayer for the Prophet ﷺ penned by the great Imam Shafi’i featured during the full recital of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s glorious Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt in the Midlands.

More than 2,000 attended in person, along with a huge 5,500 viewers from across the world tuned in online, soaked up the blessings of hearing Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi recite the masterpiece in full, with its beautiful collection of prayers for the Prophet ﷺ.

During brief moments in between the recitation, the Shaykh highlighted sources of some of the beautiful phrases contained within the great work, such as the following written by Imam Shafi’i (shown in its translated form, taken from the beautiful new English translation):

‘O Allah, bless our master and liege lord Muhammad for the measure of the number of invokers who mention him.
‘O Allah, bless our master and liege lord Muhammad for the measure of the number of the heedless ones who forget to mention him.’

Students of the Imam would later have authentic visions and dreams after he passed away, identifying this beautiful and unique phrase as the main reason for the monumental scholar’s success in the Hereafter.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi reminded the audience to embrace this enduring book, meticulously compiled by Imām Al-Jazūlī from a carefully chosen selection of the most eloquent phrases of prophetic praise, taken from great works and individuals such as companions of the Prophet ﷺ, Imam Al-Ghazali’s colossal Revival of Religious Sciences and from the shelves of the celebrated Qarwiyyin library.

The Shaykh extensively researched libraries across the Muslim world to identify and verify the sources.

“Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt is the door to so many openings,” said the Shaykh.

He added it is a book that brings guidance, unveils knowledge of the Prophet ﷺ and increases love and attachment to him ﷺ, brings relief to problems and strife, and promises success, cure and recovery because of the powerful, transformative prayers within for the reader.

Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt was made accessible to all by its skilful author, from the ordinary Muslim to the highest scholar. Its popularity spanned across the whole Muslim world; it was embraced by all its scholars.

Throughout the tour the Shaykh has urged Muslims to go back to their roots by reclaiming this masterpiece, which has been celebrated by the Ummah for 600 years.

Muslims cannot be triumphant again until we return to true attachment to the messenger of Allah ﷺ, with our love for him stirred up into positive action, reflecting his beautiful character ﷺ.

“Nothing unites the ummah as much as Rasool Allah ﷺ,” reminded the Shaykh.
“He is the source of our strength, guidance, everything good we have in this life and might have in the next.
“This book is not just for Sufis. It is a book for all!”

Day 12: Peterborough 18th July 2023

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THE twelfth day of the tour began with Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi giving many examples of the benefits of reciting Imām Al-Jazūlī’s miraculous, much-loved text Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt, including being surrounded by goodness and exuding a shining light on one’s face.
The Shaykh discussed how the Prophet ﷺ and Allah Almighty are inextricably connected.

“To those who object that we put the name of the Prophet ‎ﷺ next to the name of Allah Almighty, this is something that Allah Almighty did in the statement of ‘La ilaha ill Allah Muhammadur Rasul’Allah’,” he explained. “We can’t be believers unless we join both parts of Shahada. We simply cannot reach Allah Almighty without the Prophet ‎ﷺ. He ‎ﷺ intercedes for us when we are sinful, he answers our prayers on Fridays.”

The Shaykh discussed the trials and tribulations of the world and how to navigate the challenges. He said that while the world is often full of trials, tests, and difficulties for many, we should be happy with whatever position we are in as it all comes from Allah.

He also advised everyone on the dangers of some people in this world and how we should use our faith to deal with such circumstances. He said:

“This is dunya. It is a lower world. Its nature is bitter. Business in this world is operated on treachery, opportunism, and hardly any ethics, sadly. Lies are common in business partnerships. When someone takes your wealth or something of this type, it is not strange, as it is the nature of this life. People may slander you, backbite you, envy you, and spread rumours about you. That’s the dunya. When the dunya brings you something sweet, you should be surprised, as the genuineness of this is rare. That’s the wisdom of this dunya and of those close to Allah. This world is not the final abode.”

He advised us on the secret to dealing with such circumstances, which is remaining firm in our connection with the Prophet ﷺ and Allah. By trusting in Allah and believing that the real treasures are in the next life.

There was a remarkable personal anecdote shared during the gathering, demonstrating how living one’s life in accordance with Islam can lead to great miracles.

A brother from Peterborough was in attendance, who listened to a lecture of Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi many years ago, where the noble Shaykh spoke on mortgages and how Allah wages war on people who take part in riba-based mortgages. This brother decided to leave the mortgage three days before it was due to be signed. He has since seen the barakah [blessings] of that decision in his life and business.

The Shaykh added:

“If you want to see a true man of Allah, don’t look at the person who prays in the masjid five times a day. While they are great people of Allah, definitely, in order to verify if these people in the masjid are true men of Allah, go and do business with them and see if they are truthful, trustworthy, whether they pay off their debts on time and fulfill their promises and pledges. “That’s the way to really know someone.”

The Shaykh reminded us of the adab required when carrying out worship, with full concentration and in awe of Allah Almighty. Advising on the etiquettes of prayer, he mentioned how it was important to not rush the wudu (ablution) and to ensure we wear nice clothes and smell good as part of our preparation for the prayer. Walking in a peaceful and calm manner to the masjid would enable one to have tranquility when beginning the prayer. The khushu [attentive humility] and state will be very different compared to someone who rushes the wudu and prayer.

May Allah Almighty allow us all to act on the honorable Shaykh’s words, and may Allah protect him and grant him good health, ameen.

Live at the Shrine of Imam Al-Jazouli
Day 13: Oxford 20th July 2023

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EAGER listeners marvelled at the genius of the acclaimed author of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt, as Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi revealed new insights into his remarkable life.

Discoveries from extensive research carried out by the noble Shaykh, which has culminated in the beautiful three-volume box set launched this month as well as an unpublished commentary, were shared with the audience in Oxford.

A treasure trove of photos accompanied the descriptions, showing the Saffarin Madrasa in Fes, Morocco, where the great Imām Al-Jazūlī resided as a young man continuing his studies, as well as the small staircase and door to his room there, which can still be visited.

It was in this room that his father discovered he had covered the inside of a closet with the word ‘death’, unbeknown to his classmates, due to his sincere attachment to the Akhirah (the Hereafter).


Guidance and concern for the ummah were at the heart of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s life’s work, explained the Shaykh.

The 15th century renowned scholar, who mastered all the Islamic sciences and had thousands of disciples, did not want to wait for people to come to him; he wanted to take the light of guidance to those in the most remote of areas.

“He had a new method,” said Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi. “He sent groups of disciples to help people make tawbah (repentance). He was looking from a different level. There were people in the mountains who didn’t know how to make wudhu (ablution). He believed these people needed help.
“Imām Al-Jazūlī was genius.”

He also encouraged the shaving of heads to accompany one’s repentance so that the new hair would grow with renewed intentions.
When he died he had 12,665 disciples in a remote mountainous village far from any major city.

“That was awesome, beyond imagination,” said the Shaykh. “No other had half or a quarter of that number in any one place. He was no ordinary Sufi master.”


The luminous Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt was an embodiment of the renowned scholar’s aims – producing a transformative collection of prayers for the Prophet ﷺ, majestically combined with knowledge of all the Islamic sciences, and yet beautifully simplified and made accessible to all.

“No book written by a human has had more popularity than this one,” said the Shaykh. This book has served as a motivator and educator and has been a source of love and peace in the Muslim world for 600 years.” Sincerity of the author is the secret of its success, he added.

Imām Al-Jazūlī engineered true attachment to the Prophet ﷺ through this celebrated work, written around the age of 30, which in turn fuelled centuries of strength and success for the Muslim ummah.

The Shaykh urged a return to such roots, especially for the Muslim youth, many of whom have fallen into two disastrous groups – those in drugs and crime and those who promote extremist ideologies. All because they are sadly attached to role models other than the Prophet ﷺ, ranging from celebrities to extremist individuals and groups.

“May Allah amend their hearts,” he said. “We need to revive yearning for the Prophet ﷺ.”


The Shaykh’s research has revealed fascinating facts about Imām Al-Jazūlī, including the correct timeline and sequence of events in his life, key individuals he came across, the name of his Sufi master, how it was most likely the local government who fatally poisoned him and how his body became a symbol of revolt during a 20-year revolution led by one of his students, and also his pivotal 14 year seclusion during which his daily invocations included reading Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt three times a day.

After being given the order to preach following seclusion, his popularity reached new heights with crowds of people camped nearby, much to the annoyance of local government.

The Shaykh explained:

“His words, his light, attracted people. He had a great spiritual impact.”

When he moved west of the Atlas Mountains he ensured there was an institution for teaching as well as worship.

He died in prostration during Fajr prayer in the year 870 at around the age of 75. He was initially buried in Afughal but 60 years later was moved to Marrakesh – when the grave was dug, huge crowds witnessed the great saint’s body miraculously looked like that of a living person.

Day 14: Hounslow 21st July 2023

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HOUNSLOW Jamia Masjid was witness to a spiritually uplifting gathering immersed in the praise of the Prophet ‎ﷺ.
It marked the final full recital of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s renowned work, Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt.

With more than 1,300 attendees present and an additional 5,500 viewers joining online from across the world to partake in the blessings, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi’s eloquent recitation of this masterpiece, replete with heartfelt prayers for the Prophet ﷺ, left the audience spiritually enriched.

The purpose of these gatherings, the noble Shaykh explained, was to revive the recitation of this blessed book. While previous assemblies have touched upon the unprecedented virtues of the book, this unique event focused on delving into its treasures through the act of recitation. The benefits of engaging in this practice are numerous, including healing ailments, settling debts, finding ease amidst hardships, protection from adversaries, seeking employment, academic success, and curing diseases of the heart. He said,

“It is a book of miracles. If you are in any trouble in your life, recite Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt. If you have enemies targeting you, slandering you, recite Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt. It’s truly a source of every type of goodness in this life and the next, and most of all, you’re sending salawat on the Prophet and what else is better than this!”

Throughout the tour, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi has rekindled the connection of various communities to Imām Al-Jazūlī’s sublime composition praising the Prophet ﷺ.

He emphasised that Muslims can only regain their strength when they reestablish a genuine attachment to the Messenger of Allah ﷺ; a source of power that deepens our love for the Almighty.

Quoting Imām Abu al-Hasan Bakri, the Shaykh reminded the audience that the Prophet ﷺ serves as the gateway to Allah Almighty, and anyone who seeks Him through other means will not be granted access.

Following a brief introduction to the book, Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi delivered a masterful recitation of the Dalāʾil. He encouraged the audience on this occasion to participate in the recitation, and concluded by granting an ijaza [license to transmit] to all the listeners, both present and online.

The importance of isnad [chains of transmission] for the Dalāʾil was stressed, as it serves as a link to the Prophet ‎ﷺ. The Shaykh also highlighted the significance of documenting this ijaza from the gathering, especially for the children present, who can refer to it in the future as proof of their attendance.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi reminded us of the importance of respecting the great men of Allah and asking them to make du’a for us. Moreover, believing in the miracles of awliyah is key.

“Objection leads to rejection. When you object, you will be rejected and lose the treasure of iman by the end. Surrender! Don’t say I don’t believe in this, that or the other. The Prophet ‎ﷺ is the source of our deen.”

May Allah protect the Shaykh and bless us with continued opportunities to sit at his feet and receive such ijazas.

Day 15: Cambridge 22nd July 2023

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THE beautiful location of Cambridge Central Mosque was the venue for day 15 of the Dalā’il al-Khayrāt tour.
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi delivered an enlightening lecture at the stunning masjid.

He began by emphasizing the significance of the book in the history of Islam and the Muslim Ummah. The Shaykh said: “The Prophet ‎ﷺ is not just an ordinary man or the one who brought us Islam. Our iman, acts of worship, and path to Al Jannah are all dependent on our belief in him, following his instructions, and emulating his character.

He also described the Prophet ‎ﷺ as the epitome of beauty and perfection, closest to Allah, and dearest to us.

The Shaykh further explained that the Prophet ‎ﷺ has bestowed countless favours upon us, going beyond our imagination.

“Our attachment to him goes beyond the Shahada, as being a true Muslim means following his example in every aspect.”

The Shaykh highlighted that the Prophet ‎ﷺ is our interceder and will wait for us at the doors of Al Jannah, just like children who pass away at birth wait for their parents. He urged the audience to appreciate that the Prophet ‎ﷺ is concerned about our actions and sees everything we do.
The Shaykh encouraged active participation in sending salawat on the Prophet ‎ﷺ. He praised Imām Al-Jazūlī for compiling prayers and writing the first known book of salawat, stating:

“The book is not only a source of guidance and relief but also a means of conveying the correct belief system (aqeedah).”

He mentioned that the book has even led to people embracing Islam during the tour, as it touches hearts and serves as a form of Dawah.The Shaykh added:

“Loving the Prophet ﷺ is a source of pride and elevation, and it allows one to drown in the ocean of Allah’s love. There is no other way to reach Allah except through love for His messenger.” He also discussed Imām Al-Jazūlī’s early history and his search for a spiritual teacher, highlighting the dedication and soul the Imam put into the book.

The Shaykh concluded the lecture with a recitation and commentary on the last 5 pages of the text, elaborating on their meanings.

“Reading Dalā’il al-Khayrāt should strengthen our iman and leave no doubt about Allah and His promises.”

The event ended with a dua and final words of encouragement by the Shaykh, that we must turn back to our roots by turning to the Prophet‎ ﷺ, which will ultimately bring us closer to Allah.

May Allah protect the Shaykh and grant us more opportunities to learn from him. Ameen.

Day 16: Slough 24th July 2023

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ARTISTS from across the Muslim world excelled in beautifying manuscripts of the celebrated Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt over the centuries. It was its visionary author Imām Al-Jazūlī who introduced the idea of including a simple illustration of the shrine of the Prophet ﷺ. Together with the facing page showing the Ka’ba, it quickly became a custom for the reader to kiss the images before immersing oneself into recitation. Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi gave the audience in Slough glimpses of some of these striking and beautiful illustrations within his collection of 60 original manuscripts, from Morocco, Kashmir and Turkey to name but a few.

“It became an area for artists to excel in,” said the Shaykh.

Some editions have sold for a quarter of a million pounds because of the skilled calligraphers and artists’ work. These were times of no videos and photographs. The noble Shaykh explained the impact of focusing on such sublime images, especially in the modern era when people ask him how they can delete bad images from their memories.

“Replace the bad images with good images,” he advised.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi once again treated the audience to views of the Rawdah Shereef, showing the 201 names of the Prophet ﷺ – featured at the start of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt – beautifully displayed along the front wall. He said:

“The majority of you have been there probably but have not noticed these. The names should make us reflect – more importantly reflect on the qualities and attributes themselves so that we take them on.”

Slides showing images of the beautiful pages within the newly released edition of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt formed part of a detailed commentary on how the beginning of the book is presented.

The Shaykh explained scholars of the Muslim world have always embraced the text. They added a page of litanies at the start to prepare the reader for the great treasures and secrets that would unfold, including reciting praises of Allah Almighty and seeking His forgiveness. Four lines of sublime poetry feature too, urging the reader to suppress one’s ego by turning to Allah Almighty through the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt.

Imām Al-Jazūlī states his purpose of presenting the collection of prayers for the Prophetﷺ and Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi highlighted his pure sincerity.

“We know his sincerity because the book spread and people embraced it from the East to the West,” he explained. “This is a sign of sincerity.”

He added it was important to note it is linguistically incorrect in the English language to say one is praying upon the Prophet ﷺ – it should be prayers for the Prophet ﷺ or invoke blessings upon.

The Shaykh encouraged everyone to make their love for the Prophet ﷺ evident on their faces and in their very being. He said:

“These signs should not be hidden. When you hear his name, your body turns in reverence to him.”

The Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt shows us the way to every goodness in deen and dunya, our needs encased in carefully crafted prayers for the Prophet ﷺ.
The Shaykh urged everyone to take delight in dhikr and when we send prayers for the Prophet ﷺ, this is also dhikr of Allah Almighty because each prayer begins with an entreaty to Him. He added:

“Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt requires no permission to read it. We take the ijaza to obtain some of the secrets by connecting to its author. It’s suitable for every type of problem and every type of goodness.”

Day 17: Cricklewood 25th July 2023

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In a captivating lecture on the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi expounded upon the profound significance of extolling and venerating the exalted Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. With eloquence, he illuminated the notion that the Prophet’s ﷺ soul permeated the cosmos, effusing the universe with divine radiance, leaving an indelible impact on humanity.

The central theme of his discourse revolved around the paramount importance of invoking Salawat, the sacred blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ. Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi passionately emphasised that such supplications not only convey profound love and reverence but also invoke divine mercy and manifold rewards for the supplicant.

The Shaykh extolled the power of love for the Prophet ﷺ, asserting that it forges a celestial bond, drawing one closer to him in the realms beyond.

Furthermore, the noble Shaykh’s address illumined the mystical rewards of nocturnal prayers, which lead to a luminous face on those who engage in this blessed act of worship. Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi, in captivating prose, affirmed the Prophet’s ﷺ profound awareness of those who invoke blessings upon him, fostering an intimate spiritual connection between the devout and the beloved Prophet.

The significance of emulating the Sunnah, the divine traditions and practices of the Prophet ﷺ, was enunciated throughout the discourse. With meticulous detail, the Shaykh illustrated the rightful method of licking one’s fingers after a meal, adhering to the noble example set forth by the Prophet ﷺ.

Moreover, the lecture illuminated the Prophet’s ﷺ role as the ultimate intercessor on the Day of Judgment, underscoring the profound love and divine guidance he has bestowed upon humanity. Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi ardently entreated the assembly to deepen their affection and appreciation for the Prophet ﷺ, evoking the memory of Imām Al-Jazūlī’s profound effort to revive this profound love through the accessible verses of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt.

Additionally, the discourse unfurled the splendorous names of the Prophet ﷺ and their profound significance. An illuminating exposition showcased the celestial beauty of these divine names, accompanied by historical vignettes regarding the renovations in the Rawdah, presided over by Sultan Abdul Majid.

Throughout the captivating address, Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi regaled the enraptured audience with awe-inspiring accounts of miracles born of invoking Salawat upon the Prophet ﷺ. These miraculous anecdotes bore witness to the transcendental blessings and spiritual connections evoked through the veneration of the Prophet ﷺ.

In a resounding conclusion, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi left an indelible mark on the hearts of those present, instilling a profound understanding of the incomparable merits bestowed upon those who cherish, praise, and follow the luminous path of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Through the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt, he evoked the profound spiritual odyssey that unfolds through venerating the Messenger of Allah, an odyssey suffused with boundless blessings and divine favour.

Day 18: Tooting 27th July 2023

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GREAT Muslim scholars and poets of the past were at the forefront of masterfully defusing slanderous attacks on Islam.

Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi explained to the audience gathered in Tooting how Muslims can learn so much from Islam’s rich scholarly heritage, particularly in light of all the slander thrown against the Prophet ﷺ and the Qur’an in modern mainstream media. Scholars and poets used intelligence and beautiful words instead of fiery anger to refute false claims.

“Anger doesn’t produce much good or positivity, so what should be our response?” asked the noble Shaykh.

When Crusaders were attacking Jerusalem and the coastal cities of Shaam, there were also around 30 campaigns waged against Morocco, mainly by the Portuguese; all were accompanied by slanderous claims.

The scholarly response at the time focused on highlighting the beauty of the Prophet’s life ﷺ, eloquently praising him, giving beautiful descriptions of his miracles, his traits and appearance ﷺ.

The famous Imam Al-Busiri, who authored the celebrated Burdah, also produced the Qasīdat al-Hamziyya, another ode of praise for the Prophet ﷺ – several of its chapters refuted Christian claims of divinity of Prophet Isa.

One poetic scholar, martyred during the Mongol invasion of Baghdad, wrote reams of poetry against the invaders’ accompanying slanderous attacks.
And pioneer Imām Al-Jazūlī, at the time of the crusades against Morocco, responded with his landmark Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt – a manual of prayers for the Prophet ﷺ, the like of which had never been seen before.

“It actually needs a full lecture on how Muslim scholars and poets responded to slander in the Middle East,” said the Shaykh.
He added it was testament to the success of this method that none of the slanderous material has survived.

Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi also advised everyone not to mistake the wide popularity of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt to mean its language was simple.
He described it as “beautiful art in prose” with a smooth, rhythmic flow of language that in parts require clarification due to complexity and depth.

Unbeknown to many, Imām Al-Jazūlī was a great theologian. He wrote two great works in Aqidah.

“He was a master of tawhid,” he explained. “It shows Sufis are the furthest from shirk. No Sunni Muslim has ever raised the rank of the Prophet ﷺ to the rank of God incarnate, so there is no fear of exaggeration.”

His Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt is a great example of subtly planting key concepts of tawhid in readers’ minds, with the effect lasting for generations. For example, including in the form of a prayer how Allah Almighty is the one who creates us as well as all our works. The book is full of glorification of God.

“He is implanting in minds,” said the Shaykh. “When good comes to pure minds it stays there. You can pour in anything without having to teach or tell that this is what we believe.”

The purer the heart, the more receptive it is. Likewise, the more important it is to protect the pure minds of children from filth in the media, as they repeat what they are exposed to.

“The ears are channels to the heart – never lend your ears to a deviator,” he warned.

Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt corrects aqidah, establishes it in the hearts and brings cures for our spiritual diseases. In forms of prayer, the envier asks for protection from envying and being envied. Likewise in prayer the backbiter pleads to be bestowed with a pure heart free from animosity to others.

The Shaykh reminded everyone to correct one’s interactions with others before sending prayers for the Prophet ﷺ or requesting anything from Allah Almighty as these may obstruct one’s progression. He said:

“If a person is making du’a for something for days and months and there is no change, there could be something wrong: You need to check if you have upset your parents, check on your relationship with relatives or your spouse, or you might have an unpaid debt or have dealt with riba (interest).”

As the tour sadly draws to a close, with the grand finale in Barking today, Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi urged everyone to attach to the book and hold weekly gatherings of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt in masjids and read daily with family and friends in homes.

Many are unaware the 201 names of the Prophet ﷺ at the start of Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt are beautifully displayed in the Rawdah, proving just how important and popular the text once was.

It can be this way again, the Shaykh encouraged, as he urged everyone to pour out their hearts that are full of love for the Prophetﷺ, to both Muslims and non-Muslims, and thus begin a much-needed societal transformation.

Day 19: Brick Lane 28th July 2023

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In a remarkable display of spiritual devotion and Islamic scholarship, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi delivered a mesmerising lecture on the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt at Brick Lane Jamme Masjid. The event drew an immense crowd of eager attendees, all seeking to witness the wisdom and insights of this esteemed scholar.

The lecture commenced with an outline of the background of one of the great gnostics of our time, the revered Imām Al-Jazūlī, who Shaykh Al-Yaqoubi classes amongst the top 10 most influential Sufi gnostics. The Shaykh explained how the teachings had a profound impact in reviving the Ummah.

Day 20: Barking 29th July 2023

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THOUSANDS gathered to hear the precious gems shared by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi at the final gathering of an enlightening 20-day tour.

It was an emotional end for many, having followed the noble Shaykh from the north of England to the south, as he unveiled treasure after treasure from the much-acclaimed Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt throughout July.

The Shaykh initiated the gathering at Al Madina Masjid in Barking by encouraging us to refocus our intentions and dedication towards the Prophet ‎ﷺ. He eloquently elucidated various Quranic Ayahs describing the Beloved Messenger ‎ﷺ. The Shaykh said,

“He ‎ﷺ is the reason we exist, our discussions should revolve around him. “Perfume your tongue with the mention of the beloved ‎ﷺ. Don’t concern yourself with those who criticize you, as the mark of loving Allah is in loving his Messenger ‎ﷺ. Whoever obeys the Messenger ‎ﷺ is, in fact, obeying Allah. Complete submission to every directive from him is essential.”

He clarified that Allah’s message insists that the only way to understand Him is through worship, and it is the beloved Messenger ‎ﷺ who guides us in this. He reminded us of our collective fraternity.

“The Prophet ‎ﷺ is closer to the believers than their own selves. He ‎is their guiding father, and his wives are their spiritual mothers.”

The Shaykh further elucidated on this point, explaining that the Prophet ‎ﷺ is our father in terms of spiritual guidance.

Mentioning the 7000 references to the Messenger ‎ﷺ throughout the Quran, the Shaykh emphasized that the Prophet ‎ﷺ is the heart of our religion. He urged,

“Our actions must resonate louder than our words. Each of us has a responsibility to represent the Messenger ‎ﷺ in the best possible way.”

With fervor, the Shaykh discussed the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt, a treasure of the heart and soul of Imām Al-Jazūlī. He expressed his immense love for the Imam and his written compilation of salawat on the Prophet ‎ﷺ.

The Shaykh praised the text for its unique place in Islamic literature. He acknowledged Imām Al-Jazūlī as a trailblazer, the first to compile a manual of salawat, while previous scholars had only written about virtues of salawat (hadith). He revealed the Imam’s personal dedication to the book, not merely leaving it on a shelf but reciting it daily during his three-year stay in Medina, in front of the Prophet’s ‎ﷺ shrine.

The Shadhili Way is the path that connects people to the Messenger ‎ﷺ and his family and revives the Sunnah of the Messenger ‎ﷺ. It is the way of the ulema, the Prophet ‎ﷺ and the Ahl al-Bayt said the Shaykh.

The Shaykh metaphorically described the Prophet ‎ﷺ as bringing life to our hearts. He advised us to recite the 201 names of the Prophet ‎ﷺ at the time of someone’s passing to provide comfort to the dying person.

The book’s final chapter discusses Allah’s attributes. The book serves as a source of strength for the weak, wealth for the poor, relief for the suffering, and joy for the depressed. It is a remedy for every physical and psychological ailment. The recitation of salawat, as advised by the Prophet ‎ﷺ, can lead to miraculous outcomes. Salawat is, indeed, a form of dhikr of Allah.

The assembly concluded with a khatham of the Dalā’il.

May Allah Almighty safeguard the noble Shaykh and bless us with ongoing opportunities to receive his teachings and blessings, Ameen.

Istanbul 6th Aug 2023
Marrakesh 19th Sep 2023

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For the lovers of Imām Al-Jazūlī and Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt:

The Grand Finale of the Dalāʾil al-Khayrāt tour at the sacred shrine of Imām Al-Jazūlī in Marrakesh, the Kingdom of Morocco.

The Dalāʾil will be recited in front of Imām Al-Jazūlī by the traditional Dalāʾil group.

I will speak on the benefits of Dalāʾil and the treasures that are hidden in it.

A dhikr gathering will follow; with top singers of Morocco and UK. Join us in Marrakesh on 9th of September, from Asr until Isha prayer times (make your own arrangements) or online at my YouTube channel. youtube.com/@ShaykhAlYaqoubi

May Allah bring us closer to His Beloved, our master, Sayyiduna Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

Live at the Shrine of Imam Al-Jazouli
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