Evening of Remembrance UK Tour
Day 1 | Hounslow

Scholarly Heritage presents

Evening of remembrance


A series of seven events across the UK, led by

His Eminence

Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Day 1 | 20th Safar 1446 - 25th August 2024

The Evening of Remembrance tour with His Eminence, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, kicked off today in Hounslow, starting a journey of spiritual reflection and renewal across seven cities.
Over the next week, Shaykh al-Yaqoubi will guide attendees through a series of inspirational talks focused on deepening their connection with Allah and cultivating a sincere practice of divine remembrance.
In the opening session, Shaykh al-Yaqoubi shared profound insights on the importance of engaging with faith not just intellectually but with the heart. He emphasized that seeking forgiveness (istighfar) is a key practice for every believer, regardless of their current spiritual state, and reminded attendees that true closeness to Allah is achieved through humility and sincerity.
The tour continues to other cities, including Reading, London, Birmingham, and Bradford, offering more opportunities for people to experience these transformative gatherings. Each session aims to foster a deeper spiritual awareness and encourage participants to connect with their faith in meaningful ways.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi and engage in an evening of spiritual enrichment and community.
For more details and to register for upcoming events, visit: https://bit.ly/evening-of-remembrance-tour.


Open to brothers and sisters
Families are welcome

Check out all the locations of the events on Google Maps! 

  • Post category:- UK Events