with Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi
25th February - 8th March 2020

A rich and varied programME

Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi honoured the island of Mauritius with his inaugural visit, offering a panel of events representing the richness of Islam and its sciences. 

The Shaykh visited all the major cities around  the island, giving guidance to Muslims and advising their leaders, conducting dhikr and teaching Sunni way of Islam.

Hadith recital - livestream

The highlight of the tour was the final Hadith course, that was livestreamed, for the benefit of the internaional audience. Hundreds of students from accross the world were granted ijaza of sama’.

The lecture, typical of the traditional teachings, began with the recital of the hadith of Rahmah. This was followed by the recital of the ‘Ajlouniyyah, a 40 hadith collection where Imam al-‘Ajlouni compiled the first hadith of every major hadith collection.

Then, the Shaykh proceeded to recite his own new work – for the first time ever –  Al-Arba’un al-Awakhir, a 40 hadith collection containing the last hadiths of the major hadith collections.

Book gift

On this occasion, a print of this precious work was also gifted by the Shaykh to the students. The PDF of the book was gifted to the online audience and can be obtained in the DOWNLOAD section.

Scholarly Heritage was honored to contribute to this event