Featured: Historical Recital of Sahih al-Bukhari
It brings a deep sense of gratitude before Allah as we commemorate the anniversary of the Sahih Bukhari Recital of the erudite scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi in Istanbul one year ago. READ MORE
It brings a deep sense of gratitude before Allah as we commemorate the anniversary of the Sahih Bukhari Recital of the erudite scholar Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi in Istanbul one year ago. READ MORE
25th February - 8th March 2020, Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi made his inaugural visit to Mauritius, offering a wide sprectrum of events representing the richness of Islam and its sciences. He visited all the major cities, giving guidance to Muslims and advising their leaders, conducting dhikr, and teaching the Sunni way of Islam.
His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi recited the full Sahih al-Bukhari at a historical event in Istanbul in 2019.
On April 2019, His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi presented a precious piece of classical Sufi literature: Manthur al-Khitab, a book of Imam al-Qushayri, in Madrid, Spain.
The classical collection of Arba'un Nawawiyya was taught by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi in the traditional manner, during his 2016 French Tour.